2019 GMB Holiday Guide

Getting Your Google My Business Listing Holiday Ready – A Guide For 2019

5 tips for optimizing your GMB listing for the holidays.

Getting Your Google My Business Listing Holiday Ready – A Guide For 2019

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Sales are ticking up and the best shopping deals of the year are right around the corner with Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Boxing Day approaching. For local business owners, the last few weeks of the year can be the most important and the most competitive.Consumers begin their shopping with an online search, even if they’re planning to buy in a store.

Around 40% of shoppers say they use Google to find the best deals, according to the Google/Ipsos Global Retail Study (2019).

As a small business, your virtual front door to savvy holiday shoppers is your Google My Business listing. To ensure your GMB listing leaves an informative and welcoming first impression this holiday season, we’ve put together this quick and easy guide.


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