BrightLocal Comparison Page

Why are People Switching to Whitespark's Local Rank Tracker from BrightLocal?

It's time to upgrade your Local Rank Tracker 

We built a better Local Rank Tracker

People who have switched to Whitespark are loving: a cleaner, simpler, user interface, powerful filtering capabilities, beautiful reports 😍, segmentation of local rankings from organic rankings, a better multi-location experience, instant import of campaigns from BrightLocal to Whitespark, and much more.We are often asked how our Local Rank Tracker compares to BrightLocal's, so we created a comparison page to show the differences and benefits.Click the button below and see for yourself.

“If you do Local SEO, the Local Rank Tracker will be one of your “I can’t live without this tool” tools. It’s flat out gorgeous and by far the best visual representation of rankings of any tool on the market.”

Greg Gifford - SearchLab

“Whitespark has one of the best rank trackers out there. We used BrightLocal for years and decided to switch. When we moved, Whitespark managed the import of all our campaigns (a huge selling point). This made the switch frictionless."

Ben Fisher - Steady Demand 

“We switched to Whitespark’s Local Rank Tracker because of the accuracy and the visuals that detail specific keyword trends that help visualize each keyword’s performance to our clients.”

Devon Hayes - Elevation Marketing

“I had been an avid user of Brightlocal’s rank tracking tool for as long as I can remember. I was blown away by how much better Whitespark’s Local Rank Tracker was! The user interface and ranking graphs are highly superior to Bright Local."

Josh Gill - Inbound Authority

“Best move I made for the team this year: switching keyword tracking over to Whitespark. Everyone on the team agrees it was a home run. Great tool and incredible customer service.”

Jay Stalls - Coalmarch