Gemini vs. Vision AI: Which One Is Better at Identifying Images?

Google AI showdown

We know that Google can “see” what’s in your images — they change a GBP’s featured image depending on the search term; they group photos by their contents; they match food pics to menu items; etc.

This is why I’ve always recommended running your images through an AI software before uploading them to your Business Profile to make sure it identifies the right keywords to boost your Profile.

However, Google has many AI products, which begs the question, “Which AI do they use to analyze GBP images?”

The short answer is, we don’t know.

The longer answer is, we don’t know, BUT we can speculate - which is exactly what Miriam Ellis is doing in her new article.

This week, she tests and compares the image analysis skills of Google’s Gemini and Vision AI, and she suggests an even more effective tactic for making sure Google picks up the right keywords in your GBP photos 👇️

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