⚡️ How to Get Instant GBP Verification (Ep. 13)

the trick is to earn Google's trust

5 steps you can take to increase your odds of getting instant verification

Google seems to be punishing everyone with video verification these days, but I believe that if you do the following steps correctly, you can get a new Google Business Profile verified ✨ instantly ✨.

  1. Create a website for your new business

  2. Connect your website to Google Search Console and Google Analytics using an aged/active Google account

  3. Build citations in all the key places across the web

  4. Wait for a month

  5. Create your Google Business Profile

With this pre-work completed, Google will see that your account is real and your business is established, and it might just open the velvet rope straight to instant verification. No video required.

We discuss this and much more in this episode with Anne. Take a look!

Watch Episode 13 👇️ 

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