Google Review Link Generator

Google Review Link Generator Tool – Encouraging Reviews Just Got Easier!

Send customers directly to the review section of your Google listing.

Google Review Link Generator Tool -Encouraging Reviews Just Got Easier!

With just a click of a link you can send your clients directly to the Rate & Review section of your Google My Business listing. Skip the four step guided process on how to leave a review on your Google listing and just send the reviewer directly to where they need to go using our new super rad Google Review Link Generator (the link works on Desktop & Mobile)!

Simple, easy, and free.

Here’s how it works:

1. Type your business name and city in the “Enter a location” field on the map.

2. Copy your short URL under the map.

3. Share the link with customers in emails, text messages, or even on printouts, and ask them to leave you a review on Google! 

Here’s how it looks when the reviewer clicks the link:



Feeling Excited Yet?

Well here are just a few reasons to get you more pumped about this.

#1. As we already mentioned this works on both Desktop and Mobile. No apps necessary. No specific browser required.

#2. While there are tools out there that generate your Google My Business URL, many of them don’t take the reviewer directly to the rate & review section. Ours does! One less barrier to getting that oh so desirable review, plus it saves your reviewers an extra step.

#3. You get full access to the URL’s analytics data through which means you get insights on:

    • Total clicks

    • Browsers

    • Countries

    • Platform

All you need to do to access the data is to add a .info to the end of your short URL and it will take you to the data dashboard. So for this example it would be