Local SEO Trick You Need to Know!

plus, how to get a huge ranking radius

A wee apology first

Before we get into it, I just want to clarify that I posted a very convincing April Fools joke on socials last week, but it was just that — a joke.

Here it is for those who missed it:

I want to make it abundantly clear that these ads DO NOT EXIST. I made them up (although I admit we wouldn’t put it past Google if they actually did this).

I apologize if I tricked any of you.

Now for the true local SEO content 👇️ 

1. Local SEO trick for bilingual businesses

Imagine you have a restaurant in Athens, and half of your customers are locals, and the other half are English-speaking tourists.

Many businesses in this situation write their name on Google in both the local language and English. For example:

"Karamanlidika - Καραμανλίδικα"

But did you know you can make Google display the business name according to the user's language settings?

Here's how:

  1. Go to Google Maps

  2. Select Settings

  3. Select Language > change to the desired language

  4. When you return to the map, click "Suggest and edit" > Change name or other details

  5. Write the name for your current language settings in the new field

  6. Repeat this process for as many languages as needed

This way, your name will show up in the language of the searcher, and might rank better for searches made in that language.

See Twitter or LinkedIn for a video demo of this process.

2. I bet you’ve never seen a ranking radius like this

We got our client ranking across almost the entire state. This is the maximum area you can set in Local Falcon. A 15x15 grid with 100 miles between points.

Learn how we did it by clicking the image 👇️ 

Find out how we did it on Twitter or LinkedIn.

3. Ep. 12 — Writing Google Posts That SELL

When I posted about Google Posts potentially going away, many people wondered why it was such a big deal.

"Most businesses have social media accounts anyway, so why would they also use Google Posts?"

Well, here's the thing: Social media posts ≠ Google Posts

Of course, you can repurpose some of the content from your social media to use on your Google Posts as well. But, ultimately, they serve two very different purposes.

Watch the full video to learn more 👇️ 

4. Skiing + a local SEO Hack your grandma doesn’t know about

Did you know you could add emojis to your Google Business Profile Services?

Learn why this is super helpful for conversions 👇️ 


Did you know you can add emojis to the titles of the custom services on your Google Business Profile (Google My Business)? #seo #localseo ... See more

5. 3 local SEO developments from Q1 2024

Miriam Ellis just shared her summery of the most important local SEO developments from the first quarter of this year.

Swipe to see our top 3 👇️

See the carousel on Instagram.

I hope you have a great, mean-joke-free week! As always, follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok so you don’t miss my next educational post!

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