Local U Story

A story about how Local U launched my career and changed my life



Here's a little story about how Local U launched my career and changed my life.

You can watch it in video format, or read the transcript below.


Hey everyone,

I want to tell you a story about how Local U launched my career and changed my life.

Back in 2010, I was at Mozcon and I had the good fortune to hang out with David Mihm and Ed Reese. I was newly obsessed with Local SEO, and they told me about their new initiative, Local University, to teach businesses about local SEO through local training events. They suggested that I host one in my hometown of Edmonton. 

Being the impulsive guy I am, I said “sounds great!” without giving a second thought to how much work it would be to try and organize an event, get sponsors, and sell tickets to the local business community. 

Well, we did it. My local search heroes, David Mihm, Mike Blumenthal, Mary Bowling, and Matt McGee came up to Canada to put on this Local U conference with me. Ed Reese was supposed to come too, but the dude forgot that Canada was a different country and got turned away at the airport when he didn’t have his passport.

Someone had to give Ed’s presentation, and again with my impulsiveness, I said I’d do it. So on the day of the event, having never done any public speaking before, I tried my best to present someone else’s slides. I remember one slide just had a picture of a spider on it, and I was like “well, I guess on this slide I will explain how Google spiders the web!”

It was a great event, but the thing that was so amazing about it, was the opportunity to really get to know David, Mike, Mary, and Matt. Those relationships have meant so much to me both personally and professionally and my conversations with them really ignited a fire in me for local SEO and what it can do to transform local businesses.

Since those humble beginnings, Local U has evolved into the world’s best conference for Local SEO knowledge. I have now been to dozens of Local U events both as a speaker and as an attendee.

The knowledge I have gained by learning from the best and the brightest at Local U events has certainly leveled up my Local SEO skillset, and I use these skills every day to help our clients and build our business. You will undoubtedly level up your skills if you go to a local U event, but for me, the people you will meet and the conversations you will have and the relationships you will build is the real magic of these in-person events.

I can’t count the number of opportunities that have come our way through people I have met at Local U. Business partnerships, referrals, collaborations, speaking opportunities, and many cherished friendships have bloomed because of Local U.

This upcoming Local U in Denver on July 28th is the first in-person Local U in over 2 years because of the pandemic, and I am gutted that I won’t be able to go to his one because of a prior commitment. 

But you! You can go and I am jealous of all the things you will learn, and the people you will meet, and the good times you will have, and the relationships you will build that will transform your life and your business like they have mine. 

And that’s my love story for Local U. It’s an amazing event, and I can’t recommend it enough.

LocalU Advanced in Denver!

Thursday, July 28, 2022 - The Curtis Hotel Downtown Denver 8am to 5:30 pm