LocalU - November 30 Event Promo

Get advanced local SEO training with Local University.

LocalU Virtual Event

LocalU Advanced Full Day Seminar

November 30 | Virtual Event

Join the Local University faculty for their Advanced Virtual Symposium November 30, 2021! Get your ticket and on demand access for only $90USD, when you use our exclusive discount code: WHITESPARK10.This full day event is for anyone looking for advanced local SEO training. Seasoned industry experts will be sharing their techniques, research, and advice. There's something for everyone:

  • Your 10 Point Guide to Monitoring GMB

  • Reality Mining for Your Local Business

  • Apple Maps Reviews - the Download and Skinny

  • Cult Branding: Using Social Media to Guide Branding 

  • SERP to SOLD! Local SEO Tactics That Helped an Auto Repair Shop Grow and Sell Their Business 

  • Lies, Damned Lies, and Analytics 

  • Fast & Flexible - Unlocking Local Landing Page's Superpowers

  • 2021 Local Search Ranking Factors Discussion Panel 

If you're recently out of work, on reduced hours, or don't have access to an education budget, there are scholarships available to attend the event at no cost. Simply apply for a for a chance to win one.