LocalUp Advanced

LocalUp Advanced in Seattle on Feb 7th will be Amazing. Don't Miss It!

LocalUP Advanced is the Local Seach conference of the year.

LocalU Advanced + Moz = LocalUP


If you've attended an Advanced Local University in the past, you already know how valuable the knowledge you gain and contacts you'll make at this event can be! We've just learned that there are only 14 tickets left, so register soon and avoid disappointment. This will be Local U's only Seattle event this year! 

Register now for Advanced LocalUP 

Both Local U and Moz are dedicated to providing great information for professionals. LocalUp Advanced, our first joint effort, is bringing together some of the most knowledgeable folks in local for what promises to be the best local conference of the year.

We have all of the Local U folks (Aaron Weiche, David Mihm, Mike Ramsey, Will Scott, Mary Bowling, Ed Reese and myself), a ton of Moz foks (Pete Meyers, Rand), Jade Wang and other Googlers PLUS other great local practitioners like Darren Shaw, Dana DiTomasio and Cindy Crum all in one room for the whole day.

Well actually several rooms as we are doing afternoon breakouts as well. It promises to be an incredible event.

Take a look at our recently released agenda  to see what the day has to offer. When you are done, go here and order some tickets (discounted $200 for Local U & Moz Forum members)!

Here are a few samples of the topics:

Pigeons, Packs, & Paid: Google Local 2015 with Dr. Pete MeyersIn the past year, Google shook the local SEO world with the Pigeon update, rolled out an entirely new local pack, and has aggressively dabbled in local advertising. Dr. Pete covers the year in review, how it’s impacted the local landscape, and what to expect in 2015.

Local Content + Scale + Creativity = Awesome with Mike RamseyIf you are wondering who is crushing it with local content and how you can scale such efforts, then tune in as Mike Ramsey walks through ideas, examples, and lessons he has learned along the way. 

Review Acquisition Strategies That Work with Darren ShawDarren Shaw will walk you through multiple real-world examples of businesses that are killing it at review acquisition. He'll detail exactly how they manage to get so many more reviews than their competitors and how you can use their methods to improve your own local search visibility.

If you're going, be sure to say hi to Darren! He loves meeting Whitespark clients in person.