Newsletter #12

Whitespark Local Insider

Whitespark's Monthly Local Search Newsletter

Local Insider December, 2015December is one of our favourite months at Whitespark! We wanted to share with you some of the festive events that make our spirits bright this time of year: Prepping for annual family and friend feasts. From making pierogi, holubchi, or tortière to the beloved cranberry sauce, we are all big on food. Our team members in Bulgaria all celebrate Christmas eve eating an odd number of strictly vegetarian dishes (must be meatless, egg-less, and dairy free). Everyone stays at the table until all the dinner guests have finished their meal and everything must remain at the table (leftovers and dinnerware) for the spirits of relatives who have passed away. The Christmas Pickle - every year a pickle ornament is hidden in the Christmas tree and the person who finds it wins the pickle prize (which is usually a silly gift). Family game night - some team favourites are Bunco, Balderdash, Pictionary and Dutch Blitz. Christmas day movie fun - Whether it's watching Elf or going to a movie theater, this another favourite activity after a day of fun, food, and quality family time. Burning "Mr. Old Year" to forget bad memories (with a twist). Every New Year's Eve drawing a picture of an old man on a bag (instead of sewing one) and then writing down all of the things you want to forget or leave behind from the current year on a piece of paper that you stuff into the bag. Then at midnight, you set the bag on fire. Symbolizing the burning of the past and getting ready to start the New Year on a clean slate.From the Whitespark team we wish you a safe and happy holiday season. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.Office ClosureWhitespark will be closed from December 24 to January 3.Cheers,Team Whitespark 

Rad News!

We have a new daily newsletter for those of you who never want to miss a post on local search. The Whitespark Local Pulse is a collection of the most recent local SEO news from the industry's leading voices, delivered to your mailbox daily.  

Darren joined Jeff Sauer on his podcast, Jumpstart, to discuss local search, how he got started in the industry, awesome resources and quick hitting tips.

You should definitely listen to this podcast and while you're at it, subscribe to Jumpstart and follow the journeys of other industry leaders, career tips, and marketing tactics. Past guests include Rand Fishkin, Mike King, Krista Seiden and more.

Did you know we have an affiliate program? You promote Whitespark's tools and services and earn recurring commissions for the life of the customer. Learn more about our affiliate offers here.  

Around The Web

This is a case study on how one marketer used the Skyscraper Technique to boost his site to the #1 spot in Google organic results and generated $100k in monthly recurring revenue for his company.


Starting December 10 to December 23 (except Sundays) Kickpoint is featuring 12 of their favourite digital marketing pieces from 2015. All of these articles made it into their "you-gotta-read-this" folder, triggered lengthy team discussions and social media discourse. This has been added to our daily reading list for the next two weeks, because we know it's going to be so rad! 

Previously the communication directly from Google clarified that ranking in the local 3-pack was based mainly on three things. This is the first time that anyone from Google has publicly stated CTR as a fourth factor.  

"Give your business the gift of local optimization this holiday season with columnist Marcus Miller's Local SEO Advent Calendar!" 

Joel Klettke explores "four things you can do to make a connection with customers and get them to trust you, even if you can’t show them social proof.*None of these are replacements for social proof. You should still be trying to collect as much as possible on an ongoing basis."

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