Newsletter #13

Whitespark Local Insider

Whitespark's Monthly Local Search Newsletter

Local Insider January, 2016MozCon Local (formally known as LocalUp) is only a month away and if you're looking to enhance your local marketing and SEO in 2016 this is the ideal conference for you. MozCon Local takes an in-depth approach to local marketing and goes beyond theory to actual tactical tips that you can implement as a business, agency, or consultant. In addition to attending the conference, you can also sign up for the 1/2 day LocalU Advanced Workshop and get even more hands-on help and advice from leading industry experts. LocalU Advanced Workshop - February 18 This workshop covers: The State of Local Search Local Search Processes How to do Competitive Analysis for Local SearchAttendees will then select 3 thirty-minute workshops to attend. These small gatherings allow members to share challenges, concerns and discuss solutions.Here are the workshops you can join: Tracking and Conversions with Ed Reese Solving Problems at Google My Business with Willys DeVoll and Mary Bowling Ask Me Anything About Local Search with David Mihm Local Targeting of Paid Advertising with Paula Keller Using Reviews to Build Your Business with Aaron Weiche Local Links with Mike Ramsey or Darren Shaw Citations: Everything You Need to Know with Darren Shaw Agency Issues with Mike Ramsey MozCon Local Conference - February 19You'll hear from 15 different speakers all tackling important topics that impact your local marketing and SEO. Whitespark's very own Darren Shaw will be presenting results from his recent citation study on how citations travel across the web and new insights into how to better utilize the local search ecosystem for your brands.Here are just a few of the presentations that are sparking our interests:  Optimizing and Hacking Email for Mobile with Justine Jordan Understanding App-Web Convergence and the Impending App Tsunami with Emily Grossman Building Customer Love and Loyalty in a Mobile World with Robi Ganguly Your Marketing Team is Larger Than You Think with Dana DiTomaso Mo' Listings, Mo' Problems: Managing Enterprise-Level Local Search with Cori Shirk How to Approach Social Media Like Big Brands with Adria SaracinoPumped about MozCon Local? There's still time to register for both the conference and advanced workshop. We hope to see you there.  Cheers,Team Whitespark 

Around The Web


Street Fight's Local Merchant Survey found that 25% of SMBs say SEO is the area of marketing where they require the most help. Many merchants don't know what steps they need to take to improve their local search results across the web and so remain in a state of inertia. Six local search industry experts share their best strategies for "winning" at local search in 2016. 

"Let's face it: Customers aren't reading your testimonials page. So what can you put in its place? Columnist Greg Gifford shares his ideas." 

Google is now allowing a business to directly edit their business information via the Knowledge Panel and the Local Finder without visiting the Google My Business Dashboard.

"How will local marketing change this year? From apps to beacons to mobile wallets, columnist Adam Dorfman covers six trends local search marketers should pay attention to.owners and search marketers to pay attention to, according to Bloomberg." 

Get a better sense of how your Google My Business Page is performing in localized search results by separating your local listing information in your Google Search Console and in Google Analytics. Tony McCreath shares the steps on how to do this simply and cleanly.


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