Newsletter #37

The Quick Guide to Making the Most Out of Google Questions & Answers

Whitespark's Monthly Local Search Newsletter

Local InsiderApril 2018

 The Quick Guide to Making the Most Out of Google Questions & AnswersThe Google Q&A feature has been around since August 2017, but the vast majority of businesses are still not monitoring questions, responding to customer inquires, or adding FAQ's of their own.

In this episode of the Whitespark Weekly, Darren discusses why you need to start actively managing this feature, and how to use it to benefit your business. Cheers,Team Whitespark

From the Blog

We’ve expanded our top local citations by country resource to include the best business listings across 15 countries!

Learn more about this update, the methodologies we used to build these lists, and how we determined which sites are the best. You can also download a copy of the list here

We've made some major feature updates and additions to the Reputation Builder. Showcase all your reviews on your website, choose from three feedback request modes, monitor Google Questions & Answers, as well as Twitter, with our two new reports. 

Whitespark Weekly Episodes

A new Services feature has been added to Google My Business. Does it impact rankings? Why did Google add it? Which categories get access to it? How does it look live? Get all these answers and more in this Whitespark Weekly episode.

Around The Web

Local sponsorships offer a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with their community, and build their brand locally while positively impacting their rankings. Check out this comprehensive guide by Claudia Cruz to see why sponsorships may just be what you need to boost your local presence. 

Watch this SEMrushAsks with Ashley Ward as she talks with Ryan Charles, Tom Anthony, and Darren Shaw about local optimization. The topics range from how to take advantage of local SERPs to review tips, and newsjacking as ways to improve rankings. 

When investing in the stock market, diversification is critical. This principal is the same when it comes to your local marketing campaigns. Expanding your online referrals into separate channels from Google ensures a healthy flow of online traffic to your website, and ultimately foot traffic to your location. Carrie Hill gives you some other mediums to explore when building your local search portfolio. 

Not convinced about the value of reviews yet? Check out the results from a study that Location3, a digital marketing agency, conducted that indicates better reviews would have meant 13,000 more local leads! Greg Sterling shares the highlights and findings from this study on Search Engine Land. 

Are you taking full advantage of your reviews for your business? Check out Aarron Weiche’s simple, but effective ways to start using your reviews to promote your business and stop focusing on just the numbers and the ratings.

Upcoming Conferences 

NEXT 10XMay 9, 2018Boston, MASEJSUMMITMay 11, 2018Chicago, IL

DIGIMARCONMay 17 & 18, 2018

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