Newsletter #41

How To Build Citations If You Want To Hide Your Address

Whitespark's Monthly Local Search Newsletter

Local InsiderSeptember 2018

 Citation Sources That Allow Hidden AddressesBuilding citations for your business is a key component of every local search strategy, but what if you don’t want customers to see your business address?

We’ve compiled a list of sites that allow businesses to keep their address private, while still getting the benefits of citation building, and establishing a online presence.

From the Blog

Yes it's possible to hide your business address on citation sites, but should you?

Join the discussion with us, as we look at why some businesses want to hide their address, if doing so is harmful to their local visibility, and alternative address solutions.

London Calling 

Join Darren at SearchLove London - October 15 & 16! Save 10% on your ticket with the special discount code: LDNSPK201810 

Local Search Has Changed - Here’s What’s Working in 2018Darren will present the latest results from the 2018 Local Search Ranking Factors survey along with new research data and show you what you need to focus on to succeed in today’s local search landscape.

Around The Web

SEO mistakes happen, but are you doing everything you can to fix them? Sherry Bonelli has some of the most common SEO blunders that arise, how to correct them, and turn them into opportunities for growth.  

Corporate sponsorship is one of the most effective marketing channels, but many businesses have never tried it. Going hyper-local can help you grow your business and have a positive impact on your community. If you're looking for new ways to connect with your community as a business, check out this detailed infographic from ZipSprout for inspiration. 

Review spam is a huge problem in GMB, and we hear all too often about infuriating situations that business owners have had to endure regarding fake negative reviews. But what about the opposite situation, where someone spam's your listing with fake positive reviews? Mike Blumenthal shares a recent example of this. 

Are you a technical local SEO? Then check out this creative strategy from Jake Ratliff on how to scale prospecting local link building opportunities nearby using Python and Google's Places API. 

With the seemingly endless articles published on Voice Search these days, it's a hard topic to ignore. But how does it or will it impact Local Search? Check out this discussion amongst SEO's and consultants on the role voice search plays in Local.  

We consistently get asked the above question, so much so that we even have a blog post about it. As it continues to prove more challenging to rank in highly competitive markets, this Twitter conversation (Part 1 & Part 2) does speak to the reality faced by most businesses that lack a physical location in their target city (and holds true even for some that do). 

Upcoming Conferences 

October 10 &11, 2018Dallas, TX

October 15 &16, 2018London, UK** Save 10%: LDNSPK201810  

October 16 - 18, 2018Las Vegas, NV

October 21 - 23, 2018Las Vegas, NV