How to Pimp Your Local Google Plus Page - Part II

How to Pimp Your Local Google Plus Page - Part II

How to Pimp Your Local Google

Plus Page - Part II

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How to Pimp Your Local Google Plus Page - Part II

You know what’s worse than being invisible in Google Places? Getting no phone calls, clicks to your website, or Dead Presidents for whatever local visibility you do have.

That will happen to you if you don’t put a little effort into making your Local Google+ Page better at building trust and easier on the eyes.

Back in 2012, Phil Rozek wrote "How to Pimp Your Google Place Page", which turned out to be one of the most popular posts on our blog of all time. Well Google Places... I mean Google+ Local... I mean Google My Business has been through a ton of changes since then, and Phil's back with a brand new version of the post with all the latest tips and tricks you can apply to "pimp out" that place page and get more clicks, calls, and dead presidents. 

You'll want to read

right now, or at least bookmark it for later reading.