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The Whitespark Local Pulse for 04/17/2021

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One-star ratings on Google are deemed not defamatory and why that’s a problem Joy Hawkins on Apr 16, 2021 09:57 am It's crucial to have a solid review management strategy in place and for local SEOs to manage SMB expectations around review removal.The post One-star ratings on Google are deemed not defamatory and why that’s a problem appeared first on Search Engine Land.Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.Read it! »The Best Law Firm Websites of 2020 + 2021 Matt Green on Apr 15, 2021 03:34 pm In general, law firm websites – to quote Rodney Dangerfield – don’t get no respect. There just seems to be something fundamentally incoherent about putting the words “law firm” in the same sentence as the words “best design” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But because people set such a low bar for law firm websites they are often blown away by the sites that are being produced by law firm marketing and design agencies who have made it their mission to produce websites that flip the script on people’s preconceived notion of the ugly, boring, corny law firm website. Oh and about the idea of deeming a website the “best”… (quick rant here) If you searched “best law firm websites” to get here, you may have already spent some time browsing articles that attempt analyze lawyer websites against some special methodology in order to find the “best” ones. We don’t pretend that our list is in any way scientific. The truth is that it’s impossible to say what the “best” law firm websites are, because “best” is largely subjective. Some law firms might consider the best website to be the one that enhances the experience of their existing clients. Others might consider lead generation the one and only measure of a website’s best-ness. And still other firms might think their website’s core purpose is to attract talented new lawyers. Usually, law firms have several of these goals in mind, and so judging the best-ness of a website should really be an exercise in measuring the site’s performance against the firm’s specific goals. Obviously, we don’t have the means to make that assessment. But we do spend a lot of time looking at law firm websites (not to mention the time we spend designing, developing, and marketing law firm websites). We think this uniquely qualifies us to curate an annual list of 10 of the most exceptional law firm websites on the web. The lawyer websites below are our favorites that we’ve come across over the past year. Some of these websites are from competitors of our clients, some of them are sites that we’ve used for inspiration, and others are sites that we’ve produced ourselves. We hope you find them inspiring! Without further ado, here are our favorite law firm websites of 2020 / 2021. The Best Law Firm Websites of 2020 / 2021 1. What we love about What sets this law firm website site apart is that the human stories which represent this firm’s work are front and center. The firm clearly made the decision that their unique selling advantage was their success stories for their clients. They developed this concept of a “personal victory” through their marketing copy, which stands in contrast to the way that most personal injury law firms talk to their clients, which is typically only in terms of how much money they can get for them. The firm developed insanely high quality and compelling videos for a handful of their client’s “personal victory” stories. I watched a few of them during my research for this post and, WOW. Don’t watch them if you aren’t ready to tear up. We also love the simple aesthetic of the site. Almost every element is black and white with only occasional pops of color to draw attention to specific elements. We’re not sure what agency created this site, or whether it was done in house at the firm, but whoever worked on it ought to be very proud! 2. What we love about Our friends over at Scorpion did an amazing job revamping this site in late 2020. According to this press release, Scorpion helped the firm rebrand during the pandemic: “While others are stepping back, we are stepping up,” said founding partner Kurt Arnold. The pattern you are going to notice with our best law firm website list is that we love original, effective copy. The way the firm utilizes the “No Matter What” trademark throughout the homepage of the website is super effective, and really hits the mark in terms of distinguishing the firm from their competition. Similar to Kelley Uustal, the firm does a great job highlighting its client’s stories. We also love that every page on this site is crafted to be a landing page, rather than being neglected as unimportant sub-pages. Both Scorpion and the folks at Arnold Itkin ought to be proud of this exceptional law firm website! 3. JM.Legal What we love about JM.Legal Ok, we’ve come to the first Juris Digital website to make it onto the list. In late 2020 we had the opporutnity to work with attorney Joshua Massingill. His law firm is based in Cedar Park, Texas. The firm specializes in two primary areas: estate planning for young families in their community, and business law for business’s across Texas, with a particular focus on healthcare-industry business. We love how this site came together. We like that the primary imagery supports the concept of making things simple, which is the through-line for the website’s marketing copy. We also love the color scheme, which utilizes simple black and white for the majority of the site’s elements, and then hits you with that striking orange color for the important calls to action. 4. What we love about Ok, so here’s the thing. There is nothing pretty about this website. But you know what? It’s effective! We love that Mr. Ziegler is saying to his prospective client, “look, I don’t spend a bunch of money on my website design. I do that shit myself. BUT, on my website you will learn exactly how I get results for my clients, and you’ll know that I am a far better lawyer than web designer”. What we really love about this site is the SEO strategy. This site ranks well and brings in traffic for all sort of creative, long-tail -settlement related keywords, eg: If you browse the site you’ll see that Mr. Zeigler has created these massively informative pages using... The post The Best Law Firm Websites of 2020 + 2021 appeared first on Juris Digital.Read it! »Google Maps Highlighting Businesses That Have Posted Recently Joy Hawkins on Apr 15, 2021 02:44 pm Today I spotted a test that Google is doing on the Google Maps app. So far, none of my colleagues have been able to reproduce this themselves.  What I’m noticing is that Google is adding a red dot and drawing attention to the “Updates” tab for businesses that have recently...Read it! »  

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