The Whitespark Local Pulse

The Whitespark Local Pulse for 10/12/2017

Here are today's local search posts. Woo!

The Whitespark Local Pulse

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Ebook: Build a Better Business Using Customer Complaints Mike Blumenthal on Oct 10, 2017 01:53 pm It’s been a blast building GetFiveStars. One of the things that I love the most is the support I get for projects like this new ebook. As you probably know while I think its important to “optimize your review process” I think it’s even more important for you to “optimize your business”. Every process, not … Continue reading Ebook: Build a Better Business Using Customer Complaints →     Read it! »Bedlam Breaks Out in Google Q & A Mike Blumenthal on Oct 10, 2017 12:49 pm Bedlam Coffee hit the news with a media frenzy over the owner ejecting Christian activists from his coffee shop. (To preview their Q & A on the desktop use this URL: With this event we have learned three things about Google Q & A: 1- It’s a $h!tstorm when a business gets into the … Continue reading Bedlam Breaks Out in Google Q & A →     Read it! »  10 More Local Search Posts You May Have MissedSMBs Passing On Websites, Using Facebook Instead – 3 Digital ThingsVideo: Last Week in Local Oct. 9, 20176 ways IoT will make local search for SMBs scalableYes, Competitors Can Edit Your Listing on Google My Business2017 Google My Business Holiday ChecklistThe Expert’s Guide to Local SEO – September Updates are Live!Local SEO: 7 Google My Business questions asked and answeredAre Home Service Ads the death of home-based businesses on Google?Understanding the 2017 U.S. Local Search EcosystemVideo Deep Dive: Categories and Relevance in Google Local Search