The Whitespark Local Pulse

The Whitespark Local Pulse for 12/05/2016

Here are today's local search posts. Woo!

The Whitespark Local Pulse

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LocalU Advanced/MozCon Local Sponsorships Available Mike Blumenthal on Dec 05, 2016 04:02 pm If you're interested in attending the best Local Search Conference on the planet, please contact LocalU or Moz for more information.The post LocalU Advanced/MozCon Local Sponsorships Available appeared first on Local University.Read it! »Is Amazon Defining the Future of Bricks and Mortar Retail with AI? Mike Blumenthal on Dec 05, 2016 03:20 pm Bricks and mortar has expenses like staffing that don’t exist in online shopping. They also have checkout friction that slows the process and is one of the pain points. Self checkout that you see at BJ’s or a few grocery stores might be good for the business but they have never been good for the … Continue reading Is Amazon Defining the Future of Bricks and Mortar Retail with AI? →Related posts:Google My Business Rolling Out Attributes to Single Listings Amazon Rolls Out Amazon Destinations – A Hotel Booking Site Why I Bought at Walmart and What Does It Say About the Future of Retail      Read it! »Top 10 local search insights of 2016 Wesley Young on Dec 05, 2016 11:50 am Columnist Wesley Young of the Local Search Association looks back at 2016 to find the top 10 insights that local search marketers should remember in planning for the year ahead.The post Top 10 local search insights of 2016 appeared first on Search Engine Land.Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.Read it! »As a local business, you have to own your own back yard Greg Gifford on Dec 05, 2016 09:54 am The grass may seem greener in neighboring markets, but columnist Greg Gifford explains that in order to compete there via local SEO, you need to have your own yard in order first.The post As a local business, you have to own your own back yard appeared first on Search Engine Land.Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.Read it! »Google Expanding Home Services Ads to LA, Then Nationwide in 2017 Jennifer Slegg on Dec 05, 2016 09:25 am Google is planning to expand their Home Service Ads nationwide, following a launch in the Los Angeles area. 949Local reported on a conversation they had with an AdWords rep which confirmed the expansion into the Los Angeles and surrounding are as well as the expansion to nationwide by the end of 2017. The expansion into […]The post Google Expanding Home Services Ads to LA, Then Nationwide in 2017 appeared first on The SEM Post.Read it! »Google’s New Card Style News Drops Local 3-Pack Lower in Search Results Jennifer Slegg on Dec 05, 2016 08:41 am Google is testing a new card style layout in the search results.  But those screenshots didn’t also show a local pack.  And for those site owners who appear in the local pack, this particular test – especially if it becomes the standard. Here is a screenshot that shows the full compliment of four AdWords ads […]The post Google’s New Card Style News Drops Local 3-Pack Lower in Search Results appeared first on The SEM Post.Read it! »Sued for Leaving a Negative Review? It Will Soon Be Illegal in the US Jennifer Slegg on Dec 05, 2016 08:05 am We have periodically heard of the lengths some businesses go to in order to prevent negative reviews, or to see them removed after the fact.  And it is in everyone’s best interests to ensure that online reviews are as honest as possible, and if a business prevents negative reviews, it can give others the false […]The post Sued for Leaving a Negative Review? It Will Soon Be Illegal in the US appeared first on The SEM Post.Read it! »  10 More Local Search Posts You May Have MissedGoogle Local Spam Hall of ShameGoogle My Business Rolling Out Attributes to Single ListingsHow to Combat Twitter’s Header Quality IssueAttributes Are Finally Coming to the Google My Business DashboardSEO & Redirecting A Site To A Domain With Unrelated ContentApple hopes to enhance maps with indoor location and drone data collectionUsing Emojis in Google’s Local Pack & Knowledge PanelConsumer citations are the future of local SEOLocal First, Mobile First, Customer First – 3 Digital ThingsIf Nobody in Your Area Cares about Yelp, Should You Still Bother Getting Reviews There?