The Whitespark Local Pulse

The Whitespark Local Pulse for 08/25/2018

Here are today's local search posts. Woo!

The Whitespark Local Pulse

Never Miss a Local Search Post

By Andrew Hall on Aug 24, 2018 04:28 am

Website speed is important. Fast sites have better SEO and convert more clicks to customers. Slow sites annoy users and drive up bounce rates. Yet, speeding up WordPress can be complicated. Minify CSS, HTML & Javascript. Compression. Browser caching. What does it all mean? In this article we show how simply moving to a truly optimised hosting environment can triple site performance without tons of technical overhead. One simple change. A super fast site. What’s not to like?   Hosting with WP Engine When it comes to website hosting you get what you pay for. Skimp here and performance will...

By Andrew Shotland on Aug 23, 2018 11:34 am

Two weeks ago a client reset its bot-blocker, unintentionally blocking Googlebot. We had SEORadar monitoring the site so we quickly discovered the problem and alerted the client. Unfortunately, by the time they fixed the bot-blocker settings, they had lost about 100,000 daily visitors from Google. Of course, the first thing they asked was: How Long […]

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