The Whitespark Local Pulse

The Whitespark Local Pulse for 04/20/2016

Here are today's local search posts. Woo!

The Whitespark Local Pulse

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Google Hotel Local Packs Now Showing Paid Tag Promo Mike Blumenthal on Apr 20, 2016 03:03 pm Remember back in 2010 when Google rolled out “Tags” to allow for paid enhancement of your local listing? Well, at least in the Hotel world, its deja vue all over again as these paid insertions into the free Local Pack seem to have made a comeback. The Local Pack which has been the last bastion of “free” placement … Continue reading Google Hotel Local Packs Now Showing Paid Tag Promo →Related posts:Google Adds Dates to Hotel Local Carousel Is the Snak Pak the Future of Mobile Local Packs? Google Paid “Dealers Nearby” Appears to Have Gone Live      Read it! »Robots.txt 503 = SEO Death: A Tragedy In 4 Acts Andrew Shotland on Apr 20, 2016 01:48 pm Another stellar entry in the long-running SEO Death series: Thanks to Julie Kosbab, our Director of Enterprise SEO, for her continual inspiration…The post Robots.txt 503 = SEO Death: A Tragedy In 4 Acts appeared first on Local SEO Guide.Read it! »Google Changes along with Google.com Adam Dorfman on Apr 20, 2016 12:27 pm Image Credit: PixBay Everyday search is evolving, and Google has made adjustments to its product roadmap based on the shift in search behavior. In my most recent Search Engine Land byline, I share how Google is responding to changing search behaviors. For example, Google is creating physical products like Android Wear, Chromebooks, and driverless cars. […]Posted by Adam Dorfman at Google Changes along with Visit SIM Partners for more great information!Read it! »  10 More Local Search Posts You May Have MissedHiring a Lawyer: What Potential Clients REALLY Care AboutHow to get Google Calendar events in the search resultsIs a local SEO campaign like a sitcom?Google local results get additional search filters on mobileWill Facebook Salvage QR Codes from the Dustbin of Local Marketing History?Your Move “Speaker” Ryan…SIM Partners and Binary Fountain Partner to Increase VisibilityGas Prices Added to Local 3-PackGoogle displaying gas prices in the local 3-packAre You Winning Micro-Moments?