The Whitespark Local Pulse

The Whitespark Local Pulse for 10/22/2018

Here are today's local search posts. Woo!

The Whitespark Local Pulse

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The Seasonality of Near Me Searches in Local Mike Blumenthal on Oct 21, 2018 10:52 am Near Me searches have generally been on the uptick since the advent of the iPhone. But there have been the occasional downturns that were misinterpreted as a break in the trend. Now that we have more data, it appears that those downturns and subsequent peaks are seasonal lows and highs of a generally increasing  usage … Continue reading The Seasonality of Near Me Searches in Local →     Read it! »Preparing Images for the (Coming?) Google Mobile Local Carousel Mike Blumenthal on Oct 21, 2018 08:52 am Last week, off and on, we started seeing the use of the image carousel in the mobile Local Finder.  This is a format that has long been present in the restaurant search results. The carousels have been seen off and on since then, showing up and then disappearing, only to show once again. When they … Continue reading Preparing Images for the (Coming?) Google Mobile Local Carousel →     Read it! »  10 More Local Search Posts You May Have MissedHow to Rank in Cities Where you Don’t Have an AddressCarrie’s Pubcon 2018 Presentation25 Words That Will Cause Your Google Posts to Fail and Filter Your Google Reviews.Is Google Updating the Mobile Local Finder to the “Slider Style”Whitespark’s Super Fantastic Guide to Optimizing Google My BusinessSix Advantages of Finding the Right Law Firm SEO ExpertVideo: Last Week in Local October 15th, 2018The Local Lowdown from Ignitor Digital – Oct. 12Google My Business Trusted Verifier (UK)Video Deep Dive: Scoring Google as Your New Home page – an agency view