The Whitespark Local Pulse

The Whitespark Local Pulse for 10/16/2015

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The Whitespark Local Pulse

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Google Best Practice For Different Businesses in the Same Dashboard Mike Blumenthal on Oct 16, 2015 09:00 pm Google, with the release of the new Google My Business API, is perhaps suggesting one of the biggest “best practice” shifts for handling SMB Google My Business accounts in years by suggesting that it is not only ok but preferred to claim multiple listings in a single Google My Business account. Yesterday in the Google Ads … Continue reading Google Best Practice For Different Businesses in the Same Dashboard →Related posts:The Google Places Dashboard And Listing Ownership New Places for Business Dashboard Has 25 Listing Limit Google Rolling Out Consolidated Interface for My Business & AdWords Access?      Read it! »Retool Your Online Presence: 3 Tips for Small Auto and Home Repair Businesses Cory Agular on Oct 16, 2015 02:41 pm Everyone can relate to the frustration surrounding a defunct air conditioning unit or a well-traveled car falling apart—which is part of the reason why HVAC and auto repair companies are ubiquitous, particularly in the small business arena. As it stands today, there are over 1 million home and auto emergency ... Continue Reading >>Read it! »Foursquare: A Location Data Powerhouse Gib Olander on Oct 16, 2015 11:53 am It’s time for brands to rethink Foursquare. Foursquare is more than local search app that helps people discover new places. Foursquare is a data powerhouse. Did you know that Foursquare accurately predicted sales of the iPhone 6s based on an analysis of foot traffic at Apple stores? In fact, Foursquare is an important publisher of […]Posted by Gib Olander at Foursquare: A Location Data Powerhouse. Visit SIM Partners for more great information!Read it! »  10 More Local Search Posts You May Have MissedUsing Beacons For Local MarketingHealthcare Conference Emphasizes Importance of Consumers and DigitalVideo: Deep Dive on Beacons and Local MarketingGoogle GMB API Becoming More AvailableDon’t Leave Your Website Buffering: How to Make Big SEO Gains with Video ContentPutting Beacons in PerspectiveFrequently Asked Questions – Part 2Have Questions? Get Answers at the LocalU Advanced Workshops at MozCon Local10 Ways to Use CrazyEgg for Smarter Local SEOSpotted: New “Native” Ad Unit from Yelp