The Whitespark Local Pulse

The Whitespark Local Pulse for 10/08/2015

Here are today's local search posts. Woo!

The Whitespark Local Pulse

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By Greg Sterling on Oct 08, 2015 08:13 pm

 Earlier today Google’s Amit Singhal told a conference audience that there were now more searches happening on mobile devices than on PCs and laptops around the world. Google made a more limited version of this announcement in May when it said, “more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries […]

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By Brittney Schering on Oct 08, 2015 03:33 pm

 When pondering the thought of working in an office, several defining factors come to mind quite promptly. One of these components is the sedentary aspect of the job’s general environment. Often, active and health-conscious individuals will refrain from taking office jobs for this reason, because sitting all day long is ...

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By Matt Green on Oct 08, 2015 12:42 pm

 A new study from the Houston auto...

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