The Whitespark Local Pulse

The Whitespark Local Pulse for 08/29/2016

Here are today's local search posts. Woo!

The Whitespark Local Pulse

Never Miss a Local Search Post

By Andrew Shotland on Aug 29, 2016 03:35 pm

                Apple Maps has updated its Attributions page again with four new business listings partners, 3 US-based location data management/marketing companies and a Swiss Yellow Pages company: Location3 MomentFeed SIM Partners Swisscom Directories Previously Location3 and SIM Partners were accidentally “announced” as partners almost two years ago. At that point we had [...]

By Andrew Shotland on Aug 29, 2016 03:35 pm

Apple Maps has updated its Attributions page again with four new business listings partners, 3 US-based location data management/marketing companies and a Swiss Yellow Pages company: Location3 MomentFeed SIM Partners Swisscom Directories Previously Location3 and SIM Partners were accidentally “announced” as partners almost two years ago. At that point we had heard that these partners […]

By Mike Blumenthal on Aug 29, 2016 11:59 am

This is the 29th installment this year of our Deep Dive Into Local series. For the week ending Monday, August 1st, Mary Bowling and Mike Blumenthal shared their thoughts about the previous week in local. The complete video, including links and commentary on critical happenings of the previous week is posted in the Local U [...]

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