Whitespark/Leadferno Webinar Replay

Replay: 💰 How to Increase Conversions from GBP and Your Website

Attendees loved our recent webinar on how to drive more conversions from your Google Business Profile and website. Check out some of these comments from the chat:"Yes, this is AWESOME. In 20 minutes I got so much GREAT info...""I love this!""GREAT Presentation.... THANKS!!!""Agree, excellent presentation from all three of you.  Thank you so much.  Well worth the hour!""Did you watch the Leafs game?"Wait, maybe that last one wasn't a compliment about the webinar...Anyway, it was super fun, incredible information was shared, minds were blown, and you missed the live performance, but we're not going to leave you out of our fun club.We recorded it, and you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/CNdIqSDkjq8 Here's the description again:

Maximizing the search rankings and website traffic you already have through conversion optimization can make a huge difference in your leads and sales.Have you thought about how a 20% or greater boost in conversion would impact your bottom line? ðŸ¤¯Whitespark’s Darren Shaw and Allie Margeson are joined by Aaron Weiche of Leadferno to uncover conversion strategies, tips, tricks and channels for your Google Business Profile and your website. The webinar will dive into social proof, calls-to-action, booking, messaging, texting and more to help your agency or business master conversion. Stop leaving traffic on the table and wasting your valuable searh rankings.So become a conversion yourself and watch the replay now!