WLSS 2021 - GMR Review & Website Clinic

Get a Free Local SEO audit & GMB listing review from Whitespark

Free GMB Listing Review & Website Audit

Need a Local Search Expert's Opinion? 

Get Whitespark's team to complete a free audit of your GMB listing and website at the Local Search Summit. Our local SEO experts will break down your Business Profile, review your website, and give specific optimization strategies to implement in an effort to improve your local visibility.This session is designed to help both the participants and the viewers learn from common local errors, frequent missed opportunities, and highlight important areas to direct your attention when it comes to auditing a GMB listing and business website. Click the link below and fill out the form to enter for your chance to win a free audit. 3 attendees will be selected. Then on September 28 at 2:30 pm EST we'll share the results and our recommendations to the participants and attendees. 

Meet the Experts

Allie Margeson

is our Director of GMB Services. She’s been helping small business owners get the most bang for their marketing bucks. She loves the opportunities and challenges of local search marketing and Google Ads.


Nick Pierno

is our Director of Product, and he has been helping clients win at digital marketing since 2008. He’s always intent on getting more conversions from organic/local search and Google Ads.

, and is a big fan of WordPress. 

Tomas Acuna 

is a GMB Services Account Manager and has been in the digital marketing world for the past 3 years.  He loves helping clients

 and optimize their websites by developing local SEO strategies to improve rankings, optimize conversions, and reach more customers from search.