Yext Replacement Service

Introducing Whitespark's Yext Replacement Service

A more effective and affordable alternative to Yext.

 Yext Replacement ServiceWe've been helping clients transition from Yext for years, so we've decided to offer an official package as an alternative to Yext. Today we'd like to share with you our Yext Replacement Service. The Whitespark DifferenceOne-time feeOur service is a one-time fee, rather than a yearly recurring subscription. As a project based service, we clean up and distribute your listings, deliver your report, and then you won't need our help again unless you change your business data in the future. Own your listingsYou are in full control of your listings, unlike with an automated solution where you end up renting them. Once your project is complete, your detailed report provides you will full access to all the listings we created, the duplicates we removed, and the inconsistent listings we cleaned up. You own your listings and are in charge.Comprehensive cleanupAutomated software often misses duplicate and incorrect listings. Our team manually uncovers every variation of your business name, address, and phone number. Typically we discover about 60% more inaccurate listings than automated tools. We report and remove duplicates, and clean up your inaccurate listings. Target the most important sitesOur clean up work is focused on the core 11 sites in the local search ecosystem, where data consistency actually matters and has an impact. We also create and clean up listings on valuable industry specific and city sites that matter to your business.  

Lower costOur service is a one-time fee of $349. Most businesses are paying between $449 or $499 per year with their Yext plan, and some are paying more. You immediately save money when you make the switch to Whitespark, and you'll save thousands of dollars per location over time by not renewing your annual subscription. Our Yext alternative is more effective, more affordable, and will make you up to 64% happier*


Team Whitespark 

*actual happiness may vary